Official Call to the European Opera Community

/ marion leppik

Official Call of the two Baltic Opera Houses on the European Opera Community

We, the Estonian National Opera and Lithuanian National Opera, call for solidarity with Ukrainian opera houses and all the people of Ukraine.

At the moment, there is a real war going on in Europe: military operations of this scale have not taken place since the beginning of World War II. People are seeking shelter, they are forced to run away from their homeland and bombs are flying into their homes.

This statement is call on the European opera community to respond and to end any cooperation with the Russian Federation. There are no justifications for war, and as unfortunate as it is, theatres in Russia are part of the common state that is carrying out large-scale attacks. It is very important to understand that if we do not stop this war machine, in which even artists become part of the regime and propaganda, the next day those military tanks will stand in the Baltic States and move on to Europe through them.

Our statement:

  1. The three Baltic national operas strongly condemn the act of barbarity against Ukrainian state and its people. Today, the Russian Federation openly states that it has the right to decide with brutal force whether its neighbours have the right to live, develop and prosper. This is utterly unacceptable and reflects the real way of thinking of this country.
  2. We demand that all Russian and Byelorussian members of the Opera Europa openly condemn the aggression of Russian Federation and Belarus against Ukraine.
  3. If Russian and Byelorussian members refuse to condemn the aggression, their Opera Europa membership must be cancelled. Otherwise, we will not be able to remain with those who justify war in Europe.