About us


Laura Oolma, Head of the Department, +372 683 1248
Sarlee Roosalu, Assistant to the Head of the Department
Krete Tarkmees, Assistant to the Head of the Department (contract suspended)

Dominic Seeber, Technical Specialist
Siim Sareal, echnical Production Manager
Gregor Jürna, Technical Draftsman

Maris Meriloo, Senior Prop Artist
Maire Sipelgas, Artist-Decorator
Pille Lumiste, Prop Decorator (contract suspended)
Liis Säde, Prop Decorator
Andra Traumann, Artist-Decorator
Helena Kilp-Rebane, Artist-Painter
Johanna Mudist, Artist-Painter
Maris Kaljumäe, Draper
Reijo-Stenn Allemann, Carpenter
Jürmo Jürgen, Carpenter
Vitaly Shestakov, Locksmith-Welder
Danil Dokukin, Welder-Assembler

Auri Jürna, Head of the Props Departement, 683 1249
Gerda-Katrina Laadung, Head of the Props Departement (contract suspended)
Tatjana Siiv, Senior Prop Designer
Lily Loit, Props Master
Janek Vill, Furniture Worker
Mati Kuusing, Furniture Worker