Caroline Romare
(set and costume designer)
Caroline Romare is a Swedish set and costume designer who graduated from Dramatiska Institutet in Stockholm (University Collage of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre) in 1999.
In the 80’s Caroline started her career in fashion but soon turned to the world of theatre, opera, musical and film. She has created designs for more than a hundred productions in the genres of classical opera, contemporary music and drama. She has also created designs for museums and exhibitions, such as The Stockholm Toy Museum and Mc Collection Tidö Slott.
“Jernbanesviten” by Sara Lidman (Västerbottensteatern, 2023)
“The 39 steps” by Patrick Barlow, Simon Corble, Nobby Dimon after A. Hitchcock (Västerbottensteatern, 2022)
“Att göra en eld” (To make a fire) by Anders Duus (Teater De Vill, 2022)
“Un ballo in Mascera” by Giuseppe Verdi (Opera på Skäret, 2022)
“Snurra din värld” (Turning Your World), Ensemble Yria (2022)
“If/Then” by Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey (University of Theatre Gothenburg, 2022)
“Frihetens Namn” (The Name of Liberty) by Andreas Boonstra and Andrea Tarrodi (Stockholm Musikteater, 2021)
“Conflictus” by Johan Bössman (Teater De Vill, 2020)
“The Magic Flute” by Mozart (Opera på Skäret, 2019)
“Kvinnor” (Women) by Martin Lindberg, Teater Soja (2019)
“Don Carlos” by Guiseppe Verdi (Opera på Skäret, 2018)
“Aisha” by Emma Broström (Teater De Vill, 2018)
“Dålig Stämning” (Bad Atmosphere) by Martin Lindberg (Dalateatern, 2018)
“Happy Ending” by Staffan Götestam (Fri Scen Stokcholms Stadsteater, 2018)
“Pojken och Stjärnan” (The Boy and the Star) by Barbro Lindgren (2017)
“Dödens kyss” (The kiss of Death) by Ewert Taube / Nicholas Ohlson (Teater Bobis / Stockholms Stadsteater, 2017)
“BollywoodOpera Masala” (L’Italiana in Algeri) by Rossini (2016)
“Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare (Teater Västernorrland, 2016)
“Jag lever, jag lever” (I’m living, I’m living) by Gunilla Orvelius (Scenkonst Sörmland, 2016)
“I came to see you” by Karim Rashed (Malmö Stadsteater, 2015)
“Landskap med vinterfåglar” (Landscape With Winterbirds) by Jacob Hirdwall (Ensembleverket / Stockholm Stadsteater, 2015)
“Den okända resan” (The Unknown Journey) by Robert Jelinek (Teater De Vill, 2014)
“Eh Joe” by Samuel Beckett (Teater Giljotin, 2013)
“Vilse” (Lost) by Robert Jelinek (Scenkonst Sörmland, 2013)
“Det oupptäckta landet” (The Unknown Country) by Jacob Hirdwall (Ensembleverket, 2013)
“Boy with suitcase” by Mike Kenny (Teater De Vill, 2013)
“Vitula Physicata” by Kaffe Matthews and George Kentros (Audiorama/Sound of Stockholm, 2012)
“Den starkare” (The Stronger) by August Strindberg (Dotterbolaget / Stockholms Stadsteater, 2012)
Photo: Tina Axelsson